Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The LINQ project

This is really interesting. Microsoft has came up with the new project called LINQ (Language Integrated Query). By extending C# and VB.NET language, it provides few classes to take advantage of the database query. The real version of LINQ is targeted for C# 3.0 and is in preview state now. The downloadable tech preview version only works with VS.NET 2005 beta or Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Beta 2. Still, there are 2 more flavours of LINQ, XLinq and DLinq. Former is for using XML as a database, while latter is use for relational database. Currently, DLinq only supports MS SQL Server (no surprise) :-). I've downloaded and installed LINQ tech preview and it is working fine with my copy of Visual C# 2005 Express Edition(beta). I will be exploring it in depth in coming days. BTW, Channel 9 video in which Anders Hejlsberg explains the features of LINQ is worth watching.

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